Thursday, December 6, 2007

Zany Edition

Zany Mike Doe strikes again, this time wearing a velvet jacket with corduroys!

Mickey's Malt Liquor...the Key to Weight Loss?
Zoo Animals Gone Wild...Caught on Film!
The New York Times Attacks...Mike Doe Declares War!
Paparazzi Photos Prove that Mike Doe is a Friend to Animals!
103 Degrees in the Shade and no J-O-B in Sight...Yet

Wackiest Days Ever!

More shenanigans from wacky comedian Mike Doe:

Bartender for Hire...After Learning Me Some Drinks
Beer Is for Breakfast Around Here, Drink or Be Gone
The Simpsons Movie Is the Funniest Movie of All Time
Perfecting My Pour in 48 Hours...Or Less!
Pouring Rain...and Drinks...and a New Gig

Grooviest Ever!

From the groovy Mike Doe, circa this summer in New York City.

Brunch in East Village, Rock in West Village
Meatapalooza, or The 7 Day Carnivore Diet, Day 1
Meatapalooza, or The 7 Day Carnivore Diet, Day 3
An Anti-"Celebrity" Manifesto, Part 1
The Simpsons Movie...Less than 72 Hours to Go!

Latest & Funniest Mike Doe Stories of All Time

Here's the latest batch of tall tales from our correspondent Mike Doe.

Making It to New York City, by Bus
Travel Warning: Non-Menstrual Bus Cramps
Free Booze at the United Nations
Funniness and Shots at Standup New York
Pigging Out at WD-50, Minus the Cheese

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Doe-Nuts LOVE Mike Doe and His Funny Twitter Shtick!

Mike Doe is kicking ass and taking name, again, this time at the wonderful wacky world of Twitter! Check him out! At

What are you waiting for???

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Comedy Interruptus...Banished!

Finally, finally, finally....The MAN IS BACK!

Comedian Mike Doe explains the reason for his latest absence, and gets hilarious to boot. Baby. (See "mentally sweet-tarted) It's good to see our fearless leader has returned. Amen.

Don't go nowhere and keep up the comedy, Mike Doe!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Big News...But It's a Secret!

We at the worldwide Doe-Nuts headquarters have made a major acquisition! It's great news and will help professionalize the whole operation, as if that's even possible! More information will be coming your way soon, but, rest assured, it'll help our continued path towards (Mike Doe / Doe-Nuts) world domination!